Lake Winnipesaukee Hotel

My favorite time of year is autumn in New Hampshire, experiencing it should be on everyone’s bucket list! In autumn, NH is famous for the glorious foliage as billions of leaves change from green to a kaleidoscope of colors. The air is crisp and cool...

As we welcome our guests back to the Inn, the safety and health of our staff and guests remain our top priority. With our hot tub opening back up, we would like to take this time to summarize the safety plan and strategies we have...

We are excited to announce that the Center Harbor Inn will reopen with reservations beginning on June 5 and beyond. Per Governor’s Orders, until further notice, the hot tub, fitness center, sauna and continental breakfast will remain closed. Guest are still welcome to enjoy the...

We wanted to reach out to let you know what we are doing at Path Resorts to combat the spread of the COVID-19 Virus. The health of our team and guests is our top priority as we face the challenges of this pandemic. We have...

Spring is in the air and old man winter has one foot out the door. We will soon find ourselves between seasons with our sights, of course, set on summer. What a perfect time to plan a small trip to the big lake to...

The Center Harbor Skatefest and Winter Beach Party is returning for the sixth annual event taking place on Sunday, February 16th from 11am – 4pm. This free event is sponsored by the Center Harbor Community Development Association and will be held adjacent to our private...

The greatest show on ice returned on Saturday, January 25th. Guests layered up and threw on their Yaktrax for the annual Beveridge Ice Fest, a beer festival that takes place on the ice-covered waters of Lake Winnipesaukee in the midst of winter. Each year the...

Winter has arrived and we are excited to announce another year of great local ski mountain discounts. Center Harbor Inn’s guests are welcome to stop by the front desk and pick up discounted tickets or passes to three of the best ski mountains in NH:...

Are you searching for ideas to have the perfect date night? Look no further, as we have all the elements for an evening you won’t soon forget! Whether you are looking to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or your just need some inspiration in your relationship,...

As Lake Winnipesaukee begins to freeze over right before our eyes, we are thrilled to jump into some winter sports and activities here at the Inn! Soon enough visitors will be out ice skating, ice fishing, snowshoeing and snowmobiling just beyond our very own beachfront...